Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy 2012!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season! Ours included a lovely day with most of the family and a Christmas lunch at our place, followed by a Boxing day lunch with our youngest who was away at work on Christmas day. The lead up to the New Year has been good, we're on hols from work, so eating leftovers, reading books, catching up with friends and general lazing around has been the focus.

Now the New year has arrived it's time to think about being more productive. I haven't made any resolutions but I have some loose goals and ideas I want to achieve so putting them down here makes me a little accountable.
  • I've decided not to go back and start another Tafe course this year, so the extra time at home will be spent creating and making more metal jewellery, so that the skills learned last year become second nature. I hope to devote at least one day each week to my metalwork! 
  • I'm happier when my house is in order, so I'll continue with my ongoing decluttering and try and establish a cleaning routine that will work for me. I joined Flylady a few years back and although I don't subscribe now, I've adapted one of their cleaning plans to suit my house and I'm going to follow that to keep on top of things. I just revisited the site and it really does have some great ideas there.  
  • Last year, one goal was to sort out the many pre digital family photos, it didn't happen so that's going to roll over to this year. 
  • No suprises here: to address my health & fitness! I'm not doing too badly but the body could do with a little more exercise and a little less calories.
  • "Being Happy" is a bit vague, so I'll be working on specifics for that one - I'm pretty sure it'll include finding more time for connecting with family and friends but all of the others above will contribute to that too I hope!
Happy New Year Everyone - Hope all your wishes and dreams come true in 2012. 
What are your plans?

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Her said...

I hopefully will be returning to TAFE :-) I plan to keep up my gluten, sugar, dairy, soy, grain free eating plan and yes, keep working at achieving happiness. xxx
PS, would also like to get a proper blog feed reader in order, after I lost the last one I dont' have one I really like so I miss all your new posts.

GetSilvered said...

I'm trying out gluten free - but only just started.

have you tried google reader - it's the only one I know, I like that you can sort the different blogs into folders. I can keep the metalwork separate from cooking and look like that or just read them all together in the feed.