Friday, January 13, 2012

Success or the opportunity to try again.....

How are your resolutions and goals going?
I'm on target so far - My housekeeping schedule is getting organised and I decided that as the house was spick and span that I'd treat myself to a day of metalwork today.

My plans nearly didn't happen as the postie delivered my late Christmas pressie to myself! I must say I have excellent taste when buying gifts for myself....

This is an awesome book with instructions for making all kinds of boxes and lockets as well as the hinges and catches. There's heaps of jaw dropping gallery pictures to inspire too!  But instead of sitting in the airconditioning reading all afternoon it inspired me to finish my second trinket box that I started last year at Tafe.

I had a few many soldering issues, then torch issues, but remembering Tim McCreight's comment in the book that there are only two outcomes - "success or the opportunity to try again" - I pressed on - trying again and again.......and again... until I finally got it right, all the while, ignoring my urges to go with third option which he never mentioned in the book which was to chuck the whole lot through the nearest window!
Heads up to my friends too - Carolyn for providing the copper pipe I used for the box and to Jane who suggested I check my torch tips for blockages. It did the trick!

Ta it is:
 and opened:

and with my first box:

Specs for those interested: Copper & Sterling Silver - Its about 5cm (2inches) high including the dome and about 3.5cm (11/2inches) in diameter.

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Her said...

that looks so amazing Pam! I love it, and you know, I don't actually think it needs feet... seriously, the balance is just right as is. Make sure you email a pic to Claire. Well done, keep those pieces in mind for the group exhibition you are doing with me and a few others :-) YES YOU ARE!

GetSilvered said...

Thanks Jane, what exhibition are you doing? Sounds intriguing!

Suzanne said...

What a great achievement and solo! The box is stunning. I can imagine a few words were flying around your workshop though! I'll definitely look up your book. Great start to the New Year. Am jealous that housework is up to date though. In my dreams!

GetSilvered said...

Thanks Suzanne, Wish the house stayed like that though!

littlecherryhill said...

Wow what awesome boxes!! I wish I could get off my bum and to the bench to attempt new things :(

GetSilvered said...

thanks for coming by Little cherry Hill! I'm usually the great procrastinator, the box had been waiting a while to get finished!

GetSilvered said...

to milomade- so sorry I accidentally deleted your comment. Damn iPad keyboard! Thanks for checking out my blog though and your comments.

Monica said...

Ciao! Mi piace moltissimo il tuo blog e anche se non commento spesso, a causa della lingua, ti seguo spesso.
Posso chiederti come si ottiene l'effetto simile alle venature di una foglia come nella scatola qui sopra? E' bellissimo! Forse con l'etching?
Ti ringrazio comunque!
Monica (Italy)